What’sbeen the biggest surprise at any give race?Thebiggest surprise has been the amount of folks that come out and race. We areone of the last races to offer same day registration. So we never know exactlyhow many racers will show up. Corum 163-157-47-F403-PN75R Ladie's watch Biggestdisappointment? Biggestdisappointment is when something goes wrong and it affects the racers. Forinstance the timing at The last Rim Nordic race. My timing system is awesomeand my timing team is top notch. But we had a minor glitch at the end of therace.
Johan Gustafsson and watchmaker Patrik Sj?gren continue their innovation with their GoS watches by introducing Damascus Steel movement bridges and balance cock. While ive talked about their Damascus Watches in the past, Ive never seen anything like this before, and am quite sure it will be the first production watches at least with Corum 163-157-47-F401-PN74 Watch Damascus movement bridge and balance cock. As you can see,
Of course it was fixed asap. But racers had a slight delay. I dont likethat! I like everything to run like butter!How doyou know when a course is too harddangerous forendurance?I fancymyself an endurance junkie. I like to race all kinds of endurance events. PlusI like to go to alot of endurance events. So just from experience I try Corum 163-150-20-B100-FM30R Men's watch toadjust my courses according to my riders. There is a method to the madness. Ialso have tag teamed with some of the best promoters in the business. I havelearned alot from them.Heidi Volpe